Academic Excellence
SVS Pre School is for students who will be three years of age before August 1.
SVS Pre-Kindergarten is for students who will be four years of age before August 1.
Theses programs offer a variety of options for attendance. All attendance days are from 7:50-2:45.
5 Days a week
3 Days a week M-W-F
2 Days a week T-Th
Our primary goal is the formation of the whole child-spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and physically. Developmentally appropriate religion, reading, and math instruction is incorporated through both structured activities and play. Students attend art, music, technology, P.E, and library classes. Students play outside 3 times a day weather permitting and have a variety of play options in the classroom as well. Catholic and Christian values are integrated into the school day, and a love for their faith is cultivated!
We pride ourselves in offering a safe, developmentally appropriate, nurturing, and loving environment for our “littles” first school experience.
SVS offers a full day kindergarten program. While our program continues to offer a strong academic course of study an emphasis has also been placed on getting the students outside at least 3 times a day and recognizing the value of unstructured play. The kindergarten academic content includes religion, math, and reading/language arts on a daily schedule. Students participate in art, music, technology,
P.E. and library special classes.
Teachers have been trained in the Conscious Discipline model which places an emphasis on creating a safe, caring, and loving atmosphere in the classroom where students feel a sense of belonging. Catholic and Christian values continue to be the driving force of our school day!
Classrooms in grades one-three are self-contained for the core subjects of religion, reading, language, math, science and social studies. Fourth grade makes one switch for science and social studies with their partner class. The focus at these levels is the mastery of basic skills from which future academic success is dependent. Teachers use a variety of methods and technology to meet the needs of the students at this level. Students also attend art, music, P.E., technology, and library. Catholic and Christian values are a basis for all that we do, and we strive to continue the students desire to grow in their faith.
Classrooms in grades five and six are also self-contained but switch teachers for various subjects with the partner class. The core subjects are religion, math, language arts, reading, social studies, science. Art, music, P.E., technology, and library are also classes that students attend.
In addition to the above subjects, students in sixth grade also attend Spanish class twice a week. Sixth grade students all lease to own a Chromebook that is used for classroom instruction. The fifth and sixth grade curriculum stretches the solid foundation of our students in order to prepare them for our rigorous junior high standards. Students continue to learn and grow in their faith daily!
Junior High
The junior high at St. Vincent de Paul School includes seventh and eighth grades. These grades prepare students for success in high school. Subjects include religion, language arts, math, science, and social studies and the students switch classes for all subjects. The special classes at this level are Spanish, library, PE, art, music or band, and technology. Evidence from area high schools has shown St. Vincent de Paul students to be well prepared academically, socially, and morally. The desire to send our students to high school with a solid understanding of the Catholic faith and living Christian values is a primary focus.